How Easy is It to Learn Italian When You Know Spanish

How long will it take me to master Italian? Find out in 3 minutes!

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Becoming fluent in Italian

Whether it be for an upcoming vacation in Rome or a business trip to Milan, you want to be fluent in Italian as fast as possible.

You want more than basic sentences for travelers. However, our personal and professional life leave little time to learn a language.

So, how long does it take to become fluent in Italian?

This is one of the first questions anyone interested in language learning asks, and unfortunately, there's no easy way to answer it.

Learning a language is a complex process that is different for each individual based on several different factors.

  • Have you studied a foreign language before?
  • Is Italian easy to learn?
  • How much time can you dedicate to learning Italian?
  • What's your motivation to learn Italian?

Let's take a look at how they impact how fast you learn this beautiful language.

To find out how long it takes to reach your target level from your current one, jump to my original study planner and get the answer in 3 minutes.

How long does it take to learn Italian?

There's no single answer to "How long does it take to learn Italian?"

It depends on factors like:

  • Is it your first foreign language?
  • Do you speak any similar languages?
  • How much time can you commit?
  • Are you motivated enough?
  • What's your target level of proficiency?
  • Do you have any native Italian speakers to practice with?

If you study in an efficient way, you can make the most of your time, for example commuting time, and learn Italian in the car.

To enhance your brain power and make progress faster, I can recommend the best nootropics for studying languages.

How long would it take to learn the Italian language?

Once again, how long it takes to learn the Italian language depends on different factors.

We're not able to give you a specific amount of time.

What we know for sure is that it's easier for children and teenagers to learn a foreign language compared to adults.

This is because their brain is like a sponge. They absorb all the new information pretty fast.

So, if you're an adult, it's up to you to calculate how long it'll take you considering what we already mentioned:

  • If you already speak other foreign languages
  • If you speak any other Romance language
  • If you have enough time (at least 5 hours a week)
  • If you are motivated
  • If you have Italian friends or family to practice with

If you're very motivated, already speak at least one foreign language, have a lot of free time, and have friends whose native language is Italian or who speak Italian, and are willing to spend, let's say, 10 hours a week studying and practicing, it'll probably take you less than a year to learn the Italian language to an intermediate to advanced level.

If you're not too motivated but have to learn Italian for work o for other external reasons; if you don't speak any other languages and you don't have enough free time because you're too busy, and if you don't know anyone who speaks Italian, it'll be much harder to achieve an advanced level.

You'd probably achieve an intermediate level after a year. But you'll have to make big efforts.

In any case, we recommend our Italian grammar lessons and our audio course.

How much time is enough to learn Italian?

This depends on what you mean by "enough".

Do you want to have an intermediate level? Or do you aim to be proficient in Italian?

Just so you know, in every language there are six levels: beginner, elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced, and proficient.

You would usually need between 80 and 120 hours of lessons, homework, personal study plans for each level (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient).

The amount of time you'll need is very relative and depends on how motivated you are and how talented you are with foreign languages.

Some people just learn faster than others, but this doesn't make the faster learners better.

We all have different priorities, timings, interests, and learning processes.

Now, let's split the learning process into the six levels we mentioned and see how many hours you'd need to achieve each level:

  • Beginner: 80 to 120 hours
  • Elementary: 160 to 240 hours
  • Intermediate: 240 to 360 hours
  • Upper-intermediate: 320 to 480 hours
  • Advanced: 400 to 600 hours
  • Proficient: 480 to 720 hours

Decide how long you'd like to spend learning Italian a week and calculate how many months it'll take you.

Let's say you want to spend 10 hours a week studying Italian in different ways. It'll take you 6 to 9 months to achieve an intermediate level, which is pretty good.

If you want to become proficient in a short amount of time, we recommend studying 20 hours a week.

You could go to an intensive Italian course and spend your time watching Italian movies and listening to Italian podcasts. In this case, it'd take you 6 to 9 weeks to become proficient in Italian.

But, again, it depends on many factors and not just time. So, don't take all of our estimates too literally. It may take you longer or shorter.

At the end of the day, it all depends on you.

Can I learn to speak Italian in a year

Have you studied a foreign language before?

It's not that you have to be "good at languages", or that it's particularly hard to learn Italian. But like a lot of things, if you've never done anything similar before, there's a steeper learning curve.

So, if you've already successfully learned to speak another foreign language, well Italian should be easy and quick!

If you already speak a foreign language or were raised bilingual, you may save yourself some time as you learn Italian.

Bilinguals find it easier to learn a third language, as several linguistic studies have proven.

This is because they are naturally more accustomed to being exposed to different languages. Fluency and skills in one language aid fluency and skills in another.

Is Italian easy to learn?

Luckily, there's no shortage of materials and courses out there. Clocking in at number four on the list of most studied languages in the world, there's a huge demand for Italian, and therefore you can find a ton of learning resources.

But, even with the right tools, is Italian easy to learn? Or is it hard?

Here's the good news. Italian is reportedly also one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn.

Italian contains a lot of words that have similar counterparts in English (we'll look at this more later), and while Italian can have some pesky grammar rules, it's generally less complicated than some others like Polish or German.

Learning a language that is similar to your native language can save you time when learning the alphabet, Italian pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

As a general rule, languages that have similar roots are easier and take less time to learn. If your native language is English, that means that any language with Latin roots will be easier for you to learn, and that includes Italian.

So, it's not too difficult to speak Italian for English speakers, although it takes time to become fluent.

Actually, you already know some Italian words even before you even start studying them.

These Italian words, known as cognates, make learning Italian much easier for people who speak a language with similar roots (like English, French and Spanish).

Italian words like " errore ," " minuto ," and " impossible ," for example, are your friends and can make your language learning much easier and faster.

You don't even need to study Italian to understand them.

So, yes, Italian is easy to learn for English speakers.

Check out this post on how many words you need to know in Italian to have a decent conversation.

Italian is it hard to learn

How much time can you dedicate to learning Italian?

How long does it take to learn Italian? And to become fluent in Italian? Or rather, how much spare time do you have to speak Italian?

Can you really master a language in three months as a popular language blog might make you think?

Naturally, how long it takes you to learn Italian also depends on how much time you plan to dedicate to language learning daily, weekly, or monthly.

Those who are willing to dedicate an hour a day to language learning learn significantly faster than those who just attend a weekly class.

Realistically, if you have a full-time job and a family, that's likely to be a brake on your progress. Whereas if you're young, or on a sabbatical, you'll have plenty of time to do your homework.

Why learn Italian?

Your attitude plays a huge role in how fast you learn Italian.

If you approach language learning with a positive attitude and see it as a fun and fascinating opportunity to broaden your horizons, you'll be more open to learning.

The entire process will be more enjoyable and, consequently, faster.

Staying motivated is the key to learning a new language.

There have been so many studies proving the importance of motivation in language learning. Staying motivated is the number one reason why many people have language success, and also the number one reason why some fail.

Reminding yourself why you want to learn Italian, how it will improve your life, and everything good that can come from learning it can help you to stay motivated and, therefore, speed up the time necessary to learn it.

In your normal life you are competent at lots of stuff (your job, driving a car, using a computer, etc.), so probably not used to feeling like you know nothing at all.

Can I learn Italian in 3 months

But when you start learning a foreign language, you'll encounter lots of difficulties, which can be psychologically hard: you literally have to start at the beginning.

If you are a relaxed, happy-go-lucky person, you should be fine with that. If you're a control freak who hates looking stupid, well this might not be for you.

To keep a good attitude, remember that:

  • As an adult, you can still learn faster or better than children.
  • You don't need to go to an expensive school.
  • It's not necessary to live in a country where the language is spoken necessarily speeds things up. Lots of people in Italy have lived there for years but don't speak Italian.
  • Some people will learn faster than others. It's just a fact we have to live with.

To help you learn Italian faster, make sure you're not distracted when you dedicate time to studying Italian, as that could also slow you down.

Turn off your cell phone and social media when you study Italian to ensure that you can concentrate free of distractions.

Sometimes, finding funny material to study helps. For example, a lesson about Italian swear words!

The complex interaction between all of these factors determines how long it takes you to learn Italian.

How hard is it to learn Italian for a teenager?

Let's now focus on teenagers.

Why? Because it's a great age to learn a foreign language.

Sometimes people move to a new country with their children who're teenagers and wonder how long it will take them.

If this is your case or if you're just wondering, keep reading! 🙂

Can a teenager learn Italian faster?

Sometimes we tend to underestimate the skills of children and teenagers.

Think of a 5-year-old child. They already know and understand thousands of words in their own language without even studying or reading.

Now, imagine how many words a teenager knows in their own language. Add to that a perfect pronunciation.

Being an adult and learning a foreign language like a native speaker is very difficult, if not impossible.

This is because the younger you are, the easier will be to become fluent in a foreign language.

So yes, generally, a teenager can learn Italian faster than an adult.

How long will it take a teenager to learn Italian

Can a teenager become fluent in Italian?

Language learning is a very subjective process.

Becoming fluent in Italian depends on so many factors such as:

  • Your age
  • Your native language
  • Any other language/s you speak
  • Your personality
  • Your motivation
  • Your dedication
  • Your availability
  • The setting/environment

As you can see above, one of the factors is age.

This means a teenager can definitely become fluent in Italian, but only as long as other conditions are met.

How long will it take a teenager to become fluent in Italian

How long will it take a teenager to learn Italian?

We cannot give you an exact answer to this question since it's very relative.

You need to think of the teenager's specific case.

Let's set different scenarios and compare the following three teenagers and try to guess who will learn faster:

Paula: age 15, Spanish native speaker, doesn't speak other languages but likes to talk a lot; is not very motivated but is dedicated and has lots of free time; lives in Spain and studies Italian at school.

Mark: age 13, English native speaker, speaks fluent French, is very outgoing, motivated, dedicated, has lots of free time, and recently moved to Italy.

Caria: age 18, Turkish native speaker, doesn't speak any other language, is very shy and is not very motivated or dedicated and doesn't have much free time; lives in a small village in Turkey and has some Italian relatives.

Mark is the most likely to learn faster. Why? Because he's very young, he already speaks two languages, one of which is French which is a Romance language (like Italian).

Also, he's very outgoing, motivated, and dedicated, and has lots of free time. He's also surrounded by Italians.

We cannot say exactly how long it'll take him to be fluent in Italian, but it probably won't take him more than a few months, so probably between 6 months to a year.

Now, guess who will take longer to learn Italian, Paula or Caria?

Try to analyze both cases and support your answer with good arguments.

How long will it take a teenager to be fluent in Italian

What level of competence in Italian do you want to achieve?

Let's now focus on the level of competence.

Even though it's true that Italian is relatively easy to learn, you still need to actively study to actually master it.

How long does it take to learn Italian in months or years? It depends on how intensively you want to learn and study in hours per week.

Do you only need basic Italian for travel? Do you want to speak Italian and have meaningful conversations with native speakers? Or do you want to be able to watch the news and read novels?

There are six "levels" and you'll need between 80 and 120 hours of lessons (plus homework, etc.) to pass from one to the next.

On a typical "full-time" Italian course, you'll study for 4 hours each morning, so that's 20 hours a week. Which means you'd need between four and six weeks to complete a level.

To get residence in Italy these days an A2 level is required, which would mean 8-12 weeks of study if you started as a complete beginner.

To get a job, say in an office where you'd need to write in Italian, you'd need to be very good. You can expect to need about 24 and 36 weeks of lessons to get that far.

So, that's six to eight months to learn Italian from zero to working-in-an-office level. If you have the time and motivation.

However, you don't necessarily need to be fluent to be able to speak a foreign language and to be comfortable interacting in that language.

A low intermediate level can get you pretty far in the language world.

If you just want to be able to have a reasonable conversation and understand what most people say to you, that will be achievable in much less time.

Even a couple of weeks can give you a great feeling of progress, and a month or two will really transform your ability to communicate in Italian.

I would recommend studying at least 30 minutes a day, up to an hour.

Being regular is a key factor and it helps you see the daily improvements without struggling with too much information, whilst juggling work and personal life.

This time frame is based on a daily learning schedule of 30 minutes per day, with additional classroom time (2 hours per week when possible) to practice conversation and writing.

However, I recommend you invest 3 minutes to choose the best study plan based on your availability and budget with this Italian study planner.

The different stages of proficiency

Most people want to learn Italian just good enough for their trip to Italy. That's a limited working proficiency.

  1. Elementary proficiency. This is the most important stage as you are building the basis to further develop your language skills. If you are practicing 30 minutes a day to reach this stage, it should take you up to 3 to 6 months.
  2. Limited working proficiency. Things are starting to get harder and you will come across many more grammar rules. If you're highly motivated to learn and practice around an hour a day, you can get there in a year or two.
  3. Minimum professional proficiency. You can speak the language with sufficient accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most conversations. Usually, you arrive at this point after three years of constant practice, where you start researching topics of your interest and you master most of the grammar rules.
  4. Full professional proficiency. You'll be able to master most conversations and express yourself and your ideas with confidence. If you practiced constantly, you should be at this level after four years.
  5. Native or bilingual proficiency. This is hardly achievable as an adult and probably you don't need to, anyway. You will probably need to spend years in Italy and practice the language fully immersed in the cultural and linguistic context.

So, how long does it take to learn Italian at a minimum professional proficiency? That's what most people would call a conversational or intermediate level.

My advice is: study regularly at least for the first three months to give yourself a solid boost.

Once you are an intermediate Italian speaker and slow down, you will likely forget a word here and there, but at least you won't forget how to hold a conversation.

How hard is it to learn Italian?

An estimate by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute

The U.S. Foreign Service Institute examined a group of native English speakers to calculate how long it took students to reach "General professional proficiency" or higher.

The Foreign Service Institute divided their findings into language categories based on the languages' similarity to English, which determined how long it took learners to reach general professional proficiency or higher.

Fortunately, the Italian language can be found within the first language group, "languages closely related to English", together with French, Portuguese, and Spanish, among others.

They estimated that the training required for the Italian language is 23-24 Weeks (575-600 Hours).

This might sound intimidating but compared it with languages in Group 5 (like Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic) that can take up to an estimated 88 weeks to learn and you'll feel relieved.

If compared to these exotic languages, the Italian language is a piece of cake.

Can you study for so many hours per week?

It's important to note the conditions of the study, however.

The students' schedule called for 25 hours of class per week plus 3 hours of daily independent study, and their classes were generally small, with no more than 6 students. In other words, these were almost ideal language-learning conditions.

Do you want to learn Italian at school, in the first place?

Keep in mind, however, that the quality of your study is more important than the quantity, and immersion experiences or daily practice can significantly limit how long it takes for you to learn a language.

Indeed, an hour of conversation with a native speaker is worth many hours of self-study.

How long does it take to learn Italian in hours?

An estimate by the Common European Framework for Reference for Languages

There are many ways to learn; some are faster and others are slower. Which is best for you? Well, that depends on a variety of factors including time, money, and ability.

The Common European Framework for Reference for Languages uses the "Guided Learning Hours" framework to measure the amount of classroom time total needed to reach a B2 (high intermediate) level.

It assumes that for every one hour of classroom time, learners will spend two hours of independent study time. In the end, this equates to a total of between 1,000 and 1,200 hours.

This calculation neglects so many factors, however, and still is an overestimate of how long it could take you to learn Italian.

Here are some of the most popular methods for learning Italian and how long they take. Let's take a look at this in several different scenarios to have an intermediate level of Italian.

Learning hours required to learn Italian, by study method

  • Total Immersion. The most intense option for learning Italian with the best and quickest results. Total immersion typically means moving to Italy; you can even take part in an immersion language learning program with roughly four hours of study each day. It's not easy or cheap, but if you work hard, you're guaranteed to learn Italian fast. Total, active immersion (8 hours per day). Approximately 3 months to have an intermediate level of Italian.
  • Intensive group course at Home. Taking an intensive group Italian course at home is the next best thing to immersion. It forces you to make Italian a part of your everyday life, which is the essential factor in learning Italian quickly. You'll also be working with trained educators who can help you quickly notice and overcome language obstacles. One year of Italian language learning in school (4 hours per week + 2 hours of homework + 2 hours of independent practice X 12 weeks X 2 semesters).
  • Standard Group Course at Home. Taking a non-intensive group Italian course is one of the more affordable and least time-consuming ways to study Italian seriously. This type, of course, includes about three hours in the classroom plus homework each week. This is an ideal option for working people but takes more time. One 3-hour Italian course per week for 8 weeks, plus a weekly homework assignment (1 hour), plus independent practice of any type (2 hours). You will need between 25-30 courses. At 3 courses per year, it may take you between 4-8 years to reach an intermediate level.
  • 1-on-1 Lessons. You could learn much faster with individual lessons, but it depends on how many hours you do each week. With three 60-minute lessons per week, you could likely learn Italian in 1-2 years. This method is more expensive but great for people with busy schedules.
  • Self-study. Many people succeed at learning Italian through self-study methods, but how long that takes depends completely on you. This is usually the cheapest way to learn, but without support and motivation from a teacher or classmates, it can be challenging. If you choose this method, remember to stay positive and use lots of high-quality resources! Dedicated independent study (1 hour per day). Approximately 2 years to achieve an intermediate level of Italian.

Study italian how many hours

Is it possible to learn Italian in 7 days?

Let us ask you a similar question: do you think it's possible to learn Italian in 7 days?

Do you think a foreigner could learn your native language in 7 days?

You probably already know the answer.

Learning a new language in just 7 days sounds pretty difficult, don't you think?

Also, it depends on what you mean by "learn Italian".

Do you mean to be able to introduce yourself in Italian? Or do you mean to be fluent in Italian?

Learning a foreign language is a challenge, especially if you don't speak another foreign language.

You can certainly learn Italian in a short amount of time. But a week sounds like a very short amount of time to learn a new language or, at least, to become fluent.

However, you can definitely learn some Italian in 7 days.

If that's your aim, you should spend at least 20 hours studying and immersing yourself in the Italian language.

You should learn basic Italian, and focus on grammar and vocabulary.

In one week, you'll probably learn…

  • to introduce yourself;
  • to conjugate some verbs in the present tense;
  • to describe objects and people;
  • to talk about how you're feeling.

That's more than enough for a week!

Can I reach A2 level in Italian in one week?

Wow! You seem to be motivated if you're asking this question.

It depends on many factors but the good thing is that motivation is one of them.

However, if you're learning a new language, you shouldn't rush it.

First, you need to consider a few aspects.

  • Do you already have a very solid A1 level?
  • Is your native language a Romance language?
  • Do you have a lot of free time? Like 10 hours a day?

If the answers to those questions are all positive, you're more likely to reach your goal.

But let's be realistic: even if the answers to those questions were all positive, it would still be hard to reach A2 level in Italian in one week.

In fact, you would need between 80 and 120 hours of full immersion, study, and homework to reach A2 level.

On a typical "full-time" Italian course, you'll study for 4 hours each day, so that's just 20 hours a week.

You can add to that some personal study plan and, in your free time, you could watch Italian movies, read Italian news articles and newspapers, and listen to Italian songs.

Even in that case, realistically, it would be very hard to squeeze all those hours in just one week.

If you started as a complete beginner, this is pretty impossible. In fact, you would need 8-12 weeks of intensive study.

However, don't give up. Try your best to get fully immersed. If you get the chance, go to Italy and surround yourself with Italian speakers.

No one will stop you from trying.

How long does it take to be proficient in Italian

How to learn the Italian language within 2 months?

There are many ways to learn the Italian language within 2 months.

We recommend spending at least 20 hours actively learning Italian.

You could attend a full-immersion course of 4 hours a day. Ideally, you should take one-to-one lessons.

Make sure the Italian course you choose doesn't just focus on grammar and vocabulary but also on speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

It's very important that you practice all your skills without focusing on just one unless you want to focus on a specific skill for personal reasons.

Apart from studying 20 hours a week, you should spend your free time immersing yourself in the Italian language.

This includes listening to Italian music, podcasts, and radio programs; watching Italian movies and documentaries; reading Italian books, news articles, and newspapers, and checking out our audio course.

If this sounds like too much, you could spend 10 hours a week learning Italian and some of your free time doing activities that involve Italian.

At the end of the day, it's up to you.

Can I learn Italian in 3 months?

The most popular language blog is called "Fluent in 3 months".

In marketing, it's much more convincing to use a definite time expression than just "a short time".

Indeed, it worked. Now people believe that it's possible to learn Italian or any other language in 3 months.

Is that a false claim?

While you can certainly get ready for a trip and survive simple conversations with locals, you can't learn a language in 3 months.

Again, it depends on what you mean by "learn".

Can I become fluent in Italian in 6 months?

This is a very frequently asked question and the answer is not black or white, or yes or no.

Becoming fluent in the Italian language in 6 months depends on many factors.

how to learn languages fast ebook

How to Learn Languages Fast

Learning a language can be overwhelming, but a lot will depend on your attitude and how you decide to learn.

You'll need motivation, dedication, effort, and hours of studying.

A lot will depend on factors we cannot control, like your first language (and any other languages you speak) and how much time you have available.

If you're still thinking about why you should learn Italian, have a look at our post called "Why learn Italian?"

Can I become fluent in Italian in 6 months

How can I become fluent in Italian in 6 months?

First of all, you need to make the learning process enjoyable and creative. Learning doesn't need to be boring and traditional.

You can play (or make-up) games. You can listen to music in Italian and write songs. Just don't be afraid of making mistakes!

You can also learn by listening to stand-up comedy in Italian. You could even try to learn jokes in Italian and imitate them.

Since food is an important part of the culture, you could learn typical Italian recipes. This way you'll develop your listening and reading skills.

You could also go for dinner with Italians.

Can I become fluent in the Italian language in 6 months

Becoming fluent in the Italian language in 6 months

A lot will depend on your native language and other languages you already speak.

If you speak a Romance language like French, Spanish, or Romanian, you're going to learn Italian much faster.

This is because these languages are very similar in terms of vocabulary and structure.

Another important factor is time. You will definitely need time and effort to learn Italian.

If you work full-time it's still possible to become fluent. You'll still have lots of free time to enjoy reading in Italian, watching Italian movies, meeting up with Italians, etc.

And of course, you'll have to dedicate some time to learning new vocabulary and grammar rules.

To conclude, it is possible to become fluent in Italian in 6 months as long as you make an effort, are motivated and creative, and are willing to spend time studying.

If you want to read more about how to learn Italian fast, we recommend reading our post about it.

How can I become fluent in Italian

Can I learn to speak Italian in a year?

This is a very relative question.

First, think about what you mean by "learning to speak Italian".

Do you just want to be able to speak and understand it?

Which level would you like to reach?

Also, why do you want to learn to speak Italian? Is it because you're traveling to Italy? Or is it because your partner is Italian? Is it because your clients are Italian? Or do you want to move to Italy?

It will all depend on those factors. In fact, the reason that pushes you to learn a language is very important.

But in theory, yes, you can learn to speak Italian in a year.

You will need a lot of dedication, motivation, and free time.

What are some tips to learn fluent Italian in one year?

You should spend at least 5 hours a week learning Italian. This could be with a teacher, on your own, or with our grammar lessons.

Other than studying, you should also watch Italian movies, listen to Italian music and podcasts, do our audio course, read Italian books, news articles, and newspapers, go to language exchanges, and try to think and speak to yourself in Italian.

As you can see, it's not all about studying grammar and vocabulary.

At some point (for instance, once you have mastered the grammar and vocabulary), you should take conversational classes with an Italian native speaker or someone who has a really good level of Italian. Consider doing this at least twice a week.

If you do all of that, you will definitely be able to learn fluent Italian in one year.

Can I learn Italian well in two years?

As we have previously mentioned, it depends on many aspects.

But if you do want to learn Italian well in two years, you'll definitely be able to.

Just make sure you're motivated and want to spend some hours a week learning Italian.

You could try our grammar lessons and our audio course.

You could also consider taking an Italian course in Italy at some point or having one-to-one lessons.

Learning Italian also includes watching Italian movies, listening to Italian music and podcasts, reading Italian books, news articles, and newspapers, going to language exchanges, and trying to think and speak to yourself in Italian.

If you do all of that, you will be fully immersed in the Italian language.

As you can see, learning Italian can be very fun. It's not all about studying grammar rules and complex vocabulary.

So, yes, you can learn Italian well in two years if you commit to it.

Can I learn Italian well in two years

How long does it take to be proficient in Italian?

It depends on the level you already have.

If you're a beginner, it will definitely take you longer than if you already have an advanced level of Italian.

However, it will also depend on how many hours you're willing to dedicate to Italian.

It will also depend on how motivated you are and whether you're living in Italy or not.

In any case, if your goal is to be proficient in Italian as soon as possible, consider studying 20 hours a week.

Ideally, you should have a combination of the following learning methods:

  • our grammar lessons;
  • our audio course;
  • one-to-one lessons where you work on grammar and vocabulary, and you get to practice your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills;
  • group lessons where you get to practice with other learners;
  • a personal study plan, including homework, Italian movies, books, podcasts, etc.;
  • language exchanges where you can practice your speaking skills in a more relaxed and friendly way.

If you're a beginner and you follow this piece of advice, it will probably take you around a year or two to be proficient in Italian.

If you have an intermediate level, it'll probably take you around 6 months to a year to become fluent in Italian.

If you already have an advanced level, it'll probably take you around 6 months.

These are all just estimates. It might take you longer or shorter.

Remember it all depends on your motivation, dedication, and how much free time you have.

If you get the chance to live in Italy for a while, that will definitely help you be proficient in Italian.

How long does it take to learn conversational Italian?

If you want to learn conversational Italian, you will need to focus on speaking and listening.

However, this doesn't mean you have to ignore the grammar and vocabulary.

You could study the grammar and vocabulary on your own, though.

We recommend taking conversational classes with an Italian native speaker or someone who speaks very good Italian.

Also, you should listen to Italian music, podcasts, watch Italian movies and documentaries to improve your listening skills. You could also check out our audio course.

Having said that, how long it takes to learn conversational Italian depends on many factors.

First of all, it depends on what you mean by "conversational Italian".

In fact, you could have an A1 level and be able to have a basic conversation. Or you may want to be very fluent in order to feel confident to speak Italian.

So, think about which level you'd like to reach.

Let's imagine you want to have an intermediate to advanced level of conversational Italian.

It will depend on the level you already have.

Now, let's imagine you spend at least 10 hours a week fully immersed in the Italian language doing what we recommended.

If you're a beginner, it will definitely take you longer than if you already have an advanced level of Italian. In fact, it would probably take you around six months to learn conversational Italian.

If you already have an intermediate or advanced level, it'll probably take you around three months.

In any case, we recommend going to Italy, getting fully immersed in the Italian language, and avoiding your native language.

This way, it'll be easier to think in Italian and, thus, to speak in Italian too.

Can I reach A2 level in Italian in one week

Conclusion: are you studying the right way?

How long will it take to learn Italian?

That's a common question about learning Italian. However, it's not the real question.

It's rather, how to learn Italian fast?

The most efficient way is to practice with a native speaker.

After all, you want to learn Italian to speak with people, right?

Your learning methods play an important role in how fast you learn Italian. If your language learning is limited to a classroom setting, then it will take you a little longer to learn.

If, however, you also are exposed to Italian outside of classes, then you can cut down the time needed to learn it.

Reading, listening to the news in Italian, radio, or eBooks, writing, speaking, watching movies, and traveling to an Italian-speaking country can all help to speed up your learning process.

There's no right way to learn a foreign language, but there are lots of wrong ways.

When studying anything it's easy to waste time and get nowhere fast, and with something as complex as a foreign language, the probability that you'll study in a less than optimum way is quite high, unless you have had plenty of experience with other foreign languages.

Still translating in your head? Wanna speak Italian for real? Check out Stefano's courses to think directly in Italian and become fluent fast!


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